Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog Post 5: Facts And Statistics About Bullying

Bullying is a major problem in every part of the globe including children and teens. In this blog, we will show you the facts about bullying so you are aware of it, to warn and help the victims of bullying.

1. Verbal, Social, Physical & Cyber bullying, these are the major types of bullying.

2. Imbalance of power. The bullies use their popularity and strength to control and dictate the victims. They will usually target those who are weaker in size or may have a difficult time defending themselves.

3. Intent to cause harm. The bullies intentionally hurt the victims whether its physical or emotional. They do this to a group or to a one weak person.

4. Repetition. Some of these bullies have their “preferred” group or person to be bullied. They don’t bully someone and bully another person. They aim the same group or person constantly.

5. A survey in 2009 found that 9 out of every 10 LGBT students reported experiencing verbal harassment in the previous school year, because of their sexual orientation.

6. The victim of bullying comes home with unexplained injuries or with damaged or missing clothing or other belongings.

7. A victim of bullying makes excuses not to go to school.

8. Cyber-bullying in the form of text messages, emails, photos, website postings can go school-wide in minutes and global in days. It is often takes the form of cyber gossip, where damaging content is based on whim; not facts, and is posted on social networking sites.

9. Eighty-three percent of bullying incidents receive no intervention and continue to happen.

10. Only 1 in 10 victims of cyber-bullying tell a parent.

11. Bullying is the fourth most common reason young people seek help from children's help services.

12. A sign a person or your child might be a bully if he/she becomes frequently violent. He/She has trouble controlling anger. The bully might not accept responsibility for their actions. Needs to win or be the best at everything, manipulative and controlling of others and is quick to blame others.

13. A victim of bullying has change in eating habits.

14. Bullying is the reason about 160,000 teens skip school each day.

15. Children who were bullied were up to nine times more likely to have suicidal thoughts, say some studies.

16. Male bullying more commonly consists of verbal and physical abuse, whereas female bullying more commonly involves more verbal abuse and social bullying by spreading of rumors.

17. Each year there are more than 3.2 million students who are the victims of a bully.

18. Children are more likely to experience verbal assaults targeting appearances and behaviors rather than race or religious affiliations. In many cases, bullies felt that the victim was at fault for these behaviors or appearances. 

19. Harassment and bullying have been linked to 75% of school-shooting incidents.

20. Roughly 80% of students who experienced bullying in 2007 reported it occurring inside the school grounds.

 “Counseling or therapy is good methods in helping to treat a child who exhibits symptoms of bullying. Children who are victims may also need some kind of support or counseling to help resolve underlying issues of emotional feelings of inadequacy. Children who are confident and have higher self-esteem are less likely to fall prey to the attacks of bullying.”

Understanding these facts, signs and statistics can help somebody prevent anybody from becoming bullies or help them not become a victim of a bully.


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